نادى سبيريت الصحى فى هوليداى إن تاونتون يحتوى على فريق عمل مع مدربين شخصيين يمكنهم المساعدة فى ممارسة التمارين فى مركز اللياقة البدنية. أغطس فى حمام السباحة الداخلى الدافئ واسترخى فى الساونا.
يدار من قبل عائلة شابمان لأكثر من 50 عام والقلعة قد فازت بأهم الجوائز التى تتضمن 3AA ريد ستارز وراك جولد ريبون لدفء الضيافة الخاصة بنا وأناقة الغرف. ملكية موصى بها للغاية غارقة فى التاريخ ومليئة بالسحر وفريدة فى طرازها الخاص. (DB 12/08)
The Manor Hotel is located in the Somerset town of Yeovil with easy access via the A303. An Ideal base if visiting Yeovilton, Sherborne. Built in 1735 by local glover and merchant banker John Daniel, the house was known as Hendford House. After he passed away the house was rented out until 1927 when it became The Manor Hotel. A manor it may not be, but it is certainly elegant enough to be one. Its classical facade and porch are of warm, mellow stone, and to its long single wing, also of stone, an enormous conservatory, more like an orangery, has been added to form a sunny and spacious brasserie. It has a cheerful modern bar with scrubbed floorboards and pale beechwood furniture and fittings. Today the hotel is a firm favourite with locals and travellers alike. You will be assured of a very warm welcome and great hospitality. Yeovil is the ideal spot from which to explore Hardy's Wessex. Nearby attractions include Glastonbury Abbey
The Castle at Taunton is a Tourist hotel. Located in Taunton area. Shopping is accessible by bus/taxi and the nightlife/restaurants are located in the hotel.