This 3-star hotel in Duran is centrally located. Travelers can take advantage of the available internet access to keep in contact with friends while on the road. Each comfortable room at the Hotel Best Plaza has cable / satellite channels, a TV and a private bathroom. Each is equipped with a telephone and room service is available. Places of interest near the Hotel Best Plaza include the Universidad Del Pacifico, University of Guayaquil and Guayaquil Metropolitan Cathedral. Estadio George Capwell is within easy driving distance of the hotel. There are a number of choices of hotel style accommodation in Cuenca. With 28 to choose from, Hotel Best Plaza is a great option.
Hosteria Duran is famous for its termal water swimming pool which have an average temperature of 38 degrees and are well known for its healing properties and are coming from geological nearby caves.
There is also a game room, big garden, tennis court and conference rooms.(ma0506)