The hotel has earned a reputation for offering comfortable and competitively priced accommodations combined with a consistently high level of service. All guestrooms are equipped with the essential features and amenities. Guests can look forward to a wide variety of food and beverage options in many award-winning restaurants. Evening entertainment is offered daily at the in-house dance club located in the hotel's basement; entry charge is waived for in-house guests. (03/07PS)
The Parkroyal is centrally located in the hub of the central business district, with famous cultural attractions, shopping and entertainment areas right at hand. It is a 20-minute drive from the international airport, and only walking distance from the Shwedagon, the Scott Market and the Town Hall.
The hotel is a modern hotel chain that operates on a simple but effective philosophy - to provide quality business-class accommodations at affordable prices.
LobbyThe lobby is big and wide.
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